MetroList® MLS Rule 7.13

Dear Members,

By now you all should have noticed that Metrolist’s new MLS Rule 7.13 has gone into effect. I have received a few calls asking why it is necessary for the “offer of compensation” to be a public field. First — I want to make sure everyone reading this understands that SAR and Metrolist are separate entities. Often I think our members mistake our two separate organizations for being the same entity, when this is just not the case. So when you call me with Metrolist questions, I am probably not the most qualified person to address them.SAR does have an ownership interest in Metrolist, along with numerous other associations, and we have several SAR members who are nominated annually by the SAR President who sit on Metrolist’s Board of Directors. The current Metrolist Directors representing SAR are Randall Hom, Chris Little, Richard Swayne, Bruce Werking, Linda Wood. Beyond the distinction of our two separate entities, you should know that relative to the “offer of compensation” — these types of changes are in line with those that MLSs across the country are adopting ensure public disclosure of Broker Participant’s offer of compensation. Metrolist published a great FAQ that I hope will address the bulk of your questions relating to this change. The FAQ can be found here: Offer of Compensation


Erin Stumpf
2022 President
call/text 916-342-1372

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