Have You Hugged Your Affiliate Today?

Dear Members,

Have you hugged your Affiliate today? As of February 2022, SAR had 205 individual Affiliate members spanning numerous related professions — loan officers, title and escrow, home warranty, insurance, home inspectors, contractors, appraisers, photographers, stagers, pest control…the list goes on and on. Affiliate members pay dues to SAR, and add immeasurable value to our association by keeping the REALTOR members informed as to what is going on in their industries, via their collaboration on SAR committees and on the SAR Board of Directors, sponsoring events, and more.

I would encourage ALL of our SAR members, REALTORS® and Affiliates alike, to attend our monthly Affiliate & Finance Forum which takes place the first Thursday of each month at SAR in the Mack Powell Events Center. The next forum will be on Thursday, April 7th at 9am. Our Affiliate Chair and forum moderator is Cam Villa with Golden Bay Mortgage, and Vice Chair is Cristi Rodda with Farmers Insurance. The Affiliate & Finance Forum is a great learning opportunity as there are industry updates from many of our Affiliate partners as well as a great keynote speaker each month. And did I mention that the Affiliate Chair sits on the SAR Board of Directors? It is also a great opportunity to express your thoughts and ideas for the betterment of our association.

Please thank our Affiliates profusely for their collaboration and sponsorship, and in turn please support them with your referrals. AND if you currently do business with someone who would make a fabulous addition to our Affiliate Membership, please encourage them to join us! The Affiliate membership application is available here.


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January 20, 2025  |  8:00am
Sacramento City College Tennis Courts