Electrification and the Future

Dear SAR REALTOR®and Affiliate Members,

Local cities and counties in our region are implementing policies to shift from use of natural gas in residential homes to going ALL-ELECTRIC. “Electrification!” You have probably heard this word thrown around a lot lately — but what does it really mean as it relates to our profession and our region? Well… it means A LOT. And I would strongly encourage you to attend the “Electrify Your Education” event coming up on August 30th to learn about the coming required changes. What does this mean for your own home? What does this mean for our clients and transactions? The implications are far reaching.

Climate Action Plans are being created throughout our county. One major component of those plans includes how local communities will reduce greenhouse gas emissions through electrification retrofits of housing. Attend this event, learn, and provide your feedback on how these policies will impact your business. The seminar will end with a presentation by Kevin Cooper on how you can “Bulletproof Your Business.” Open to all members, this Masters Club-hosted event will take place on Tuesday, August 30th from 10am – 12noon. For just $20 you can learn the ins and outs of how our local communities plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through electrification retrofits of housing. Don’t hesitate – register to “Electrify Your Education” today! Lunch included.

For decades, the state of California has been at the forefront trying to combat climate change via greenhouse gas reduction. Whether you personally believe that climate change is a problem, or that becoming ‘carbon neutral’ is the solution — the state and many local governments are employing carbon reduction strategies to combat climate change. Sacramento and other cities in our region are beginning to implement new policies to reduce or eliminate use of natural gas.

The first phase of these new policies and ordinances primarily affects new construction, and as of January 2023, new residential construction within the City of Sacramento will be all-electric. That’s right — all appliances in a new construction home within the city limits will be required to be electric — including ovens, water heaters, and furnaces.

The second phase, which is quickly approaching, will be retrofitting existing homes to convert natural gas appliances to electric. The City of Sacramento overall has aging housing stock. I know many of us live in and sell older homes. So to require homes to switch over from gas appliances to all-electric appliances will mean a lot more than just plugging in a new appliance. There are potentially rewiring and panel upgrades that need to happen before a homeowner can even consider the costs of going all-electric.

What does this mean for your own home? What does this mean for our clients and transactions? Again, it means a lot. The implications are far reaching. Please be sure to make it a high priority to attend this education event and learn more.


2022 SAR President
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January 20, 2025  |  8:00am
Sacramento City College Tennis Courts