REALTORS® Legislative Meetings Recap – Washington DC, May 4-9

At the 2024 NAR Legislative Meetings in Washington, DC, Sacramento Association of REALTORS® CEO Jessica Coates joined a cohort of industry leaders, representatives from local and state associations of REALTORS®, federal advocacy groups, and professionals spanning the property management field. Together, they engaged in dynamic conversations addressing critical issues confronting the sector. These discussions centered on topics such as rent control, initiatives to safeguard tenants, navigating insurance obstacles, and assessing the evolving landscape of commercial real estate following the pandemic’s impact.

Thank you to all who represented SAR at the event, contributing to the advancement and advocacy of real estate matters crucial to every community. Your participation in fostering essential policy dialogues among REALTORS®, legislators, and industry luminaries is greatly appreciated.

Click play below to watch a short recap video from the event!

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