A Message from 2022 SAR President Erin Stumpf

Dear SAR REALTOR® and Affiliate Members,

2022 SAR PresidentI’m very excited to begin my term as your 2022 SAR President! Thank you for your trust in electing me to serve our members at this level. Like you, I am a working REALTOR®, and I’ve been a full-time Sacramento real estate broker/REALTOR® since 2005. Are we all loving the new RPA yet? In addition to serving my clients, and serving SAR, I’m also active with our state and national associations of REALTORS®, serving in various leadership positions at those levels as well. I am hopeful that this global view of the inter-relation of our trio of associations will assist me as I seek to help guide our association this year.

I have several priorities for 2022 that I would like to share with you. My theme is “Building Our Bench” — and if you are a sports fan you may understand what this means already! It is imperative that we bring members into the fold, and ultimately build association member engagement, and develop members into future association leaders. My primary focus is to expand the reach of our association so that our members better understand what we do, why we do it, how we do it, and how our staff and volunteers strive every day to make our members better off. The more of our members who better understand this, then the stronger our association will be in all of our advocacy, policy, fair housing, education, and professional standards/ethics endeavors.

I plan to accomplish this in a variety of ways which I will outline for you more specifically throughout the year.

First and foremost, I hope to improve communication with our members. You will hear directly from me on a regular basis via email and in other mediums. I do not want to flood you with extra communication, but empower you with additional information. Our association vision statement is to be: “An indispensable partner and preeminent resource for real estate in the Sacramento region.” Unless you are in SAR leadership already, you probably have never seen this vision statement. This message is buried on our website behind the members only section log-in via our organizational documents. We created this new vision statement in 2020 during our Strategic Planning workshop, which took place just days before the COVID19 shut-downs began. I can assure you that you will hear this message loud and clear in 2022. I am hoping that you come to understand that we strive everyday to be your indispensable partner.

I’d like to thank our outgoing president, Kellie Swayne, for serving this organization so well in 2021. Kellie will continue to serve as the Immediate Past President in 2022. In addition to Kellie, I’ll be joined by a very talented 2022 Executive Committee composed of President-elect Cherie Hunt and Secretary/Treasurer Samantha Tov. We plan to work as a team to ensure that SAR is accessible and transparent for our members, focused, relevant, and ready to execute and adapt in this ever-changing environment.

I welcome your contact if you have ideas to improve our association.

With gratitude,

2022 SAR President
916.342.1372 Call or Text

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