Protect Prop 13 & Voter Rights

C.A.R. OPPOSES ACA 13 (Ward), a proposed state constitutional amendment, that will significantly limit the ability of California’s voters to seek change through the initiative process by imposing a higher percentage of votes needed to approve state and local measures. C.A.R. opposes ACA 13 because seeks to undermine Proposition 13 by allowing for more taxes on homeowners and limits their ability to stop tax increases. C.A.R. has issued a Red Alert asking all California REALTORS® to contact their Senators to urge them to vote NO on ACA 13. Please look for C.A.R.’s Red Alert email from with a subject line that says, “RED ALERT: Protect Prop 13 and Voter Rights.”

If your Senator  is Democrat (Not your Party affiliation, your legislator’s Party Affiliation) Contact Your Legislator.

If your Senator  is Republican (Not your Party affiliation, your legislator’s Party Affiliation) ​Take no action, yet. More action may be needed later.

Here’s Why C.A.R. OPPOSES ACA 13:

ACA 13 could make buying and owning a home even more expensive by eroding Proposition 13 protections. ACA 13 seeks to undo protections enacted by Proposition 13 which established a 2/3 vote requirement for local governments increase various taxes on homeowners. The passage of ACA 13 will only make it more difficult for homeowners to protect their homes from unfair taxation.

ACA 13 will undermine the voice of California’s voters. The legislature shouldn’t be attempting to change the rules just to avoid an outcome with which it might disagree.

ACA 13 will further keep working families from being able to purchase a home. On August 15, KTLA reported that California’s housing affordability “hit a 16-year low in the second quarter of 2023.” Increasing property taxes will make it even more difficult for first-time buyers to make the leap from renting to homeownership. California’s growing diverse population continues to face uphill battles in buying a home and grow family savings, which is THE fundamental step needed to close the state’s wealth gap. 

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January 20, 2025  |  8:00am
Sacramento City College Tennis Courts