COVID-19 Update from SAR CEO Dave Tanner

In the world of COVID-19 it seems like everything is constantly changing. Initially the federal government published a list of essential services during this time of restricted activity. It did not include real estate as an essential service.

In the State of California, when Governor Gavin Newsom issued the stay at home order he referenced the federal list of exempt essential services. NAR has been able to negotiate the addition of residential real estate service to the federal essential services list. Because California referenced the federal list, the addition of real estate services to the federal list means that residential real estate services is now qualified as an essential service in the State of California.

However, in Sacramento County the Order from the County Health Officer did not reference the federal list of essential services. The County Health Officer created a separate list of essential businesses and real estate is clearly not included. SAR staff is attempting to work with the County to have that list modified but it is not likely that it will happen before Monday, if at all.

For this weekend, all members are advised that it is the opinion of SAR that they are not classified as an essential service in Sacramento County and should be restricting their business activities to remote operations.

Regardless of how it works out with the County, of if you work in another County, to comply with physical/social distancing restrictions, no member should be showing property in person, holding open houses, or any similar activities.

We understand everyone’s desire to get out and get back to work, but right now the health of our families and community is our most important focus.

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January 20, 2025  |  8:00am
Sacramento City College Tennis Courts