2025 Officer/Director Petition Candidate Application

Please read the Qualifications and Administrative Screening Policy before proceeding to the application.

Fill out the application completely – even if you have been nominated or served previously. The information provided will be used as the Nominating Committee makes its recommendations, and for publicity purposes with members. Petition Candidate Applications due by 5:30 PM on Friday, June 14, 2024.

Contact Lyndsey at correspondence@sacrealtor.org for the 2025 Ballot Petition Form or with questions.

President: The President shall be the Chief Elected Officer of the Association, and shall preside at meetings of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. The President is also an ex-officio member of all committees, task forces, work groups and forums, except the Grievance and the Professional Standards Committees. They communicate to the membership and the directors such matters and make suggestions as may, in the President’s opinion, tend to promote the welfare, strategies, competencies and usefulness of the Association. The President shall be the primary spokesperson to the media. The President shall perform such additional duties as are necessarily an occurrence of the office.

President Elect: The President Elect shall be a member of the Executive Committee and ex-officio member of all committees, task forces, work groups and forums except the Grievance and the Professional Standards Committees, and shall perform all duties during the absence of the President.

Secretary/Treasurer: The Secretary/Treasurer shall be a member of the Executive Committee, shall chair the Strategic Planning and Finance (SPF) Committee, and shall annually present the budget to the Board of Directors for approval. The Secretary/Treasurer shall direct the SPF Committee in monitoring the management of SAR’s Finances.

Immediate Past President: The Immediate Past President shall serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors. The Immediate Past President shall perform such duties as may be assigned.

• Elected or appointed board members to represent all segments of the membership.

• Govern within the authority of the Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws and the California Non-profit Corporation Law

• Act as leaders to carry out the mission and vision statement of the Association as defined in the Strategic Plan.

• Establish and periodically review all policies and procedures necessary to complete the Association business.

• Ensure the fianancial integrity of the Association

• Commit to Board leadership as “Team Leadership”

[Article X]

Section 5. Qualifications of Officers

(a)          Immediately prior to nomination for office, at the time of nomination and at all times during the tenure of office, the President, President-elect, Secretary/Treasurer, and Immediate Past President shall:

  • (1)          have been a REALTOR® Member of SAR (excluding a Senior Member not actively engaged in the real estate industry) for not less than three consecutive years prior to the date of assuming office;
  • (2)          hold a valid California real estate license;
  • (3)          as to the Secretary/Treasurer and President-elect only, shall meet such other administrative requirements of the Nominating Committee as set forth in the Manual of Procedures, as may be amended from time to time: and
  • (4)          satisfy the specific qualifications for each office as set forth in subsections (b) through (d) of this Section 5.

(b)          To be qualified to serve as President, such person shall have served as an officer of SAR for the year immediately preceding the year of assuming office or have served as a Director of SAR for not less than two (2) years, one year of which shall have been immediately preceding the year of assuming office.

(c)           To be qualified to be elected and to serve as President-elect, such person shall have served as an officer of SAR during the year immediately preceding the year of assuming office or have served as a Director of SAR for not less than two (2) of the past five (5) years prior to the year of assuming office.

(d)          To be qualified to be elected and to serve as Secretary/Treasurer, such person shall have served as a Director of SAR for not less than two (2) of the past five (5) years prior to the year of assuming office.

Section 6. Qualifications of Directors.

(a)          To be qualified to be nominated to serve as an Elected Director, such person shall have been a REALTOR® Member of the SAR (excluding a Senior Member not actively engaged in the real estate industry) for not less than one (1) year; and shall have served in one of the following capacities within the last five (5) years:

  • (1)          As chair of at least one SAR or C.A.R. committee, task force, forum, special committee, or a Trust or Foundation of the Association for at least one (1) year; or
  • (2)          As an elected or appointed leader of the SAR Masters Club, Women’s Council of REALTORS® chapter or other real estate professional organization for at least one (1) year; or
  • (3)          As a C.A.R. or MetroList Director for at least one (1) year; or
  • (4)         On at least one committee, task force, Trust or Foundation of SAR, C.A.R., NAR, or MetroList for at least two (2) of the past five (5) years, or
  • (5)          As an officer, manager, or broker of a real estate office, with not less than 90% of associates being REALTORS®, for at least two (2) years.
  • (6)          To have successfully completed the SAR Leadership Academy.

(b)          No Elected Director shall serve more than four consecutive two year terms without being absent for at least a one year election cycle before being eligible for reelection. The years served as an Officer of SAR or as a Designated Director shall be disregarded in making the determination of consecutive years served.

(c)           To be qualified to be selected and to serve as the Designated Director, Chair of the Preferred Partners Advisory Committee, such person shall have been a Preferred Partner Member of the SAR, participating in the Real Estate Finance & Preferred Partner Forum for at least one (1) year prior to the year assuming office.

(d)          To be qualified to be selected and to serve as the Designated Director, Chair of the DEI & Fair Housing Committee, such person shall have been a Member of the SAR, participating in the DEI & Fair Housing Committee for at least one (1) year prior to the year assuming office.

(e)         The President shall appoint a Liaison to the MetroList MLS Committee.  This representative shall be appointed to a one year term on the Board of Directors.  In the case where the Liaison already sits on the Board his/her elected seat shall be vacated for that year and may be filled by appointment.  At the conclusion of the term the liaison shall be entitled to reclaim any remaining period of their elected term. 

All Sacramento Association of REALTORS® (SAR) members applying, seeking or agreeing to perform one of the duties or to occupy one of the positions indicated below agree to be subject to an administrative screening conducted by the staff of SAR.

Administrative screening shall be a highly confidential process conducted by staff selected by the CEO. The results of the administrative screening shall be reported only as passed or failed. No reference shall be made as to which part or parts of the screening process the individual failed.

To facilitate the screening the individual agrees to execute a form or forms authorizing SAR to obtain the information necessary to complete the screening. Any individual refusing to permit the screening or failing to pass the screening shall be barred from performing the duty or occupying the position under consideration.

There shall be four (4) levels of administrative screening identified as:

  1. Initial
  2. General
  3. Political
  4. Enhanced

An initial administrative screening shall be required of anyone:

  1. To be featured speaker at an SAR sanctioned or sponsored event including service as an instructor, panelist or roundtable moderator at education offerings, or to be a member of an SAR committee.

All persons subject to the initial administraive screening process shall be reviewed in insure that the individual;

  • a. has not been found in violation of the Code of Ethics or a membership duty within three (3) years of the date of the screening.
  • b. does not have an unresolved Accusation filed by the DRE or has not been disciplined by the DRE within ten (10) years of the date of screening.
  • c. is current in all financial obligations to SAR.

A general administrative screening shall be required of anyone:

  1. To be a member of the SAR Board of Directors.
  2. To be a representative of the SAR at any outside event.
  3. To be a recipient of an SAR award for service.
  4. To serve as Chair or Vice Chair of an SAR Committee.
  5. To attend Leadership Academy.

All persons subject to the general administrative screening process shall be review to insure that the individual;

  • a. has successfully passed the initial administrative screening.
  • b. does not have an unresolved criminal complaint filed with any court of law and/or has not been convicted of a criminal offense within ten (10) years of the date of screening.

A political administrative screening shall be required of anyone:

  1. To be a member of the SAR, C.A.R. and/or NAR Board of Directors.
  2. To be a member of the Local Candidate Recommendation Committee (LCRC)
  3. To be a member of the Government Relations Committee

All persons subject to the political administrative screening process shall be review to insure that the individual;

  • a. has successfully passed the general administrative screening.
  • b. has contributed to the political action fund as the $197 level or higher for the year of screening and must agree to do so for the year(s) of service.

An enhanced administrative screening shall be required of anyone:

  1. To be Secretary/Treasurer of SAR Board of Directors
  2. To be President Elect of SAR Board of Directors

All persons subject to the enhanced administrative screening process, in addition to the political administrative screening process described above, shall be review to insure that the;

  • a. individual has not filed bankruptcy or been the subject of an involuntary lien filed within three (3) years of the date of screening.
  • b. individual’s credit report does not show more than five (5) late payments within one year of the date of screening.

Any individual that passes the required level of screening but subsequently becomes aware of circumstances that would cause them to fail a subsequent screening shall resign from position held or shall refrain from performing the duty for which they were considered.

Officer/Director Nominee Application

Fill out the application completely – even if you have been nominated or served previously. The information provided will be used as the Nominating Committee makes its recommendations, and for publicity purposes with members.

Section A: Applicant's Identification Information

Office Address(Required)

Section B: Election Specifics

Section C: Applicant's Education & Professional History

Office Title

Appraisal, Pest Inspection, Loans, etc. Separate with comma or new line.
Education, Non Real Estate Certifications

Section D: SAR and Real Estate Community Involvement

Attach additional files if needed.
Max. file size: 10 MB.
Non-Real Estate Related – Include position. Separate with comma or new line, include date(s) of service/membership.

Section E: Local Community Involvement

Non-Real Estate Related – Include Position

Section F: Candidate Statement

This statement will be used for the marketing/publication of the slate of candidates and should be written with the membership of the SAR as the intended audience. Consider including what goals for SAR and what your focus will be as a Director. You may upload or input directly.
Max. file size: 10 MB.
Max. file size: 10 MB.
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