2025 Charitable Foundation Board

SAR Charitable Foundation Board of Directors Application
Board of Director Qualifications
The Directors serve a two-year term and cannot serve more than four consecutive full terms, with the exception of the Immediate Past Chair. The BOD sets policy, acts to ensure the success of the organization, assures that their fiduciary responsibility is to the Association, attends all Directors meetings, approves contribution request, participates in all Charitable Foundation related functions. Each member of the Board will commit and fulfill an annual $150 contribution to the Foundation on or before December 15th of each fiscal year.
About the Foundation
The SAR Charitable Foundation is a charitable foundation that provides our community with opportunities to raise awareness and to reach, enrich and support those in need. Our vision is to improve the quality of life for our community in the city of Sacramento and beyond. The foundation will provide support through charitable, and humanitarian efforts. The Board of Directors shall not be fewer than nine (9) nor more than fifteen (15), until changed by amendment of these bylaws.
The Deadline for candidate applications is August 15, 2024. Please submit your applications to Jayde Pitre at jpitre@sacrealtor.org.